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10”x17”x17” wire fruit basket, yarns, plastic lacing, shoelaces, electrical wire, crochet hooks, cable ties

10”x17”x17” wire fruit basket, yarns, plastic lacing, shoelaces, electrical wire, crochet hooks, cable ties

10”x17”x17” wire fruit basket, yarns, plastic lacing, shoelaces, electrical wire, crochet hooks, cable ties

20”x20”x17” hardware cloth, denim, zippers, shoelaces, buttons, faux leather, thread, cable ties

20”x20”x17” hardware cloth, denim, zippers, shoelaces, buttons, faux leather, thread, cable ties

20”x20”x17” hardware cloth, denim, zippers, shoelaces, buttons, faux leather, thread, cable ties

20”x10”x11" MRI scans, hair, jigsaw puzzle pieces, plastic straws, fabric, dried paint, thread, cable ties

20”x10”x11" MRI scans, hair, jigsaw puzzle pieces, plastic straws, fabric, dried paint, thread, cable ties

20”x10”x11" MRI scans, hair, jigsaw puzzle pieces, plastic straws, fabric, dried paint, thread, cable ties
Contemporary basketry artist, Emily Dvorin uses unconventional and recycled materials to create her innovative vessels.