"I call myself a
sculptural basketmaker."
My work focuses on transforming common materials into innovative, urban vessels that reflect abstract ideas, including societal excess and throwaway consumerism. I manipulate, construct, alter, coil and weave to develop pieces that marry modern aesthetic with childhood whimsy.
fly swatter handles, refrigerator magnet letters, scrubbier, cable ties
"I believe
anything can be
basket material."
I strive to give the viewer a process of discovery. What at first seem like conventional fibers may turn out to be a subtle arrangement of piano innards, shoulder pads, forks, curlers, spools or my signature material, cable ties.
My goal is to change the definition of basketry by exploring contemporary interpretations of a traditional craft using non-traditional ingredients. Thus, as unorthodox mediums are reinterpreted as fibers, I can explore and illustrate the concept that even unexpected objects that we take for granted can become works of art.